Monday, March 29

Expanding the Family...

Dear friends,

It is our great pleasure to let you know that we're expecting our 4th child!
We were certain that like all previous cases in our family, this was going to be a girl. But, in an unexpected turn of events, this is going to be a baby boy :-)
Anat is feeling well, and naturally is very tired. Most importantly, as far as the ultrasound can tell, the embryo is healthy and is developing as expected.

Noga, Hadas & Maayan were very happy to hear the news. Well, we suspect Maayan (3 years old) doesn't really understand the implications, but she declared she was happy...

Since tonight is the Passover holiday feast (ליל הסדר), may we wish all of you who celebrate it - Happy Passover!

Anat & Giora


Natasha said...

Congratulations!!! We couldn't be happier for you!

Tessa said...

Congratulations!! I was at a conference two weeks ago and was talking to a colleague who had had her 4th child (all girls) 6 weeks before. She said "No one tells you, but by the time you get to 4, it's nothing! The baby cries, it sleeps, it eats, whatever. No big deal!" Here's to an easy baby #4!!

(We're working on baby #2- Esme's going to have a little sis in August.)