Dear family and friends,
We're thrilled to share some happy news with you all!
This morning, around 11am, Shahar Unger (שחר, free translation: Dawn) has joined our family. He burst out to this world - less than 3 hours from first contraction to first (baby) scream, and made all of us extremely happy. We came back home from the birthing center (not a hospital, but on that in another post) after a few more hours.
Shahar weighs 3.260kg, modest compared to all his sisters, and since labor he mostly sleeps. Anat is expectedly tired, but is feeling well and happy to be home with the most beautiful and perfect baby boy we could ever ask for :-)
Hugs and kisses,

Congratulations to you all! What a beautiful family!!
Miss you,
Wonderful blog!
Wonderful family!
Wonderful baby!
Thanks! :-)
Lovely pictures! Congratulations for this happy event!
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