Sunday, November 1

American Deja-Vu

I've been back in Israel for more than a week, very happy to be home again, with Anat and the girls. Two weeks away was a personal longest and way too long for me. But I still have thoughts to share about the US.

As I anticipated, this trip to the US was unusual for me, with a very strong sense of Deja-Vu. The differences between Israel and the US are striking, and you immediately feel them upon landing. Most notably, the mixture of people that one encountersg in the US is unique. You see all colors and ethnicities walking past you in the airport. I find it fantastic, and realized how much I missed it. You certainly don't get that kind of wonderful diversity in Israel...

Other than that, everything felt so very familiar. The huge and wide highways; the vehicles, twice the size of their counterparts in Israel and Europe; the endless commercials on the random radio station; the unbelievable politeness of sales people in stores. It felt like I never left, but still more than a year has passed since I actually did.

It clarified once again the fact that I could be happily spend my life in either the US or Israel. But it also made me confident that living here, in Israel, was indeed the right choice for us.


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